What’s up with the world?

The Chatbot

There is a new marketing strategy in the  Grouse Whisky company. Their clients had been distant and disconnected from the brand and the product. The company wanted a better approach so they came up with a new and innovating solution. They came up with a chatbot, a platform that would analyzes the clients preferences and chats with them to  guide them through what the offering was and help them make a purchase decision. After the company integrated Chatbot, the sales volume tripled. (more information here).

Trump’s Wall

As the elections arrive, Trump has been trying to show progress on one of the most popular campaign promises, to build a wall between the US and Mexico. They were able to build hundreds of miles of the wall in a very short time, but the areas where it hasn’t been built are the ones with blasted hills and sensitive habitats in national wildlife refuges and American Indian land. And eventhough the president promised that the wall would be paid by Mexico, it has been funded by tax payers for at least $15 billion, two thirds coming from US military funding. (more information here).

Are Undecided Voters Undecided?

As fast as the elections approach, there are still 30% of the US citizens that claim that they don’t know who to vote for. Both, democrats and republican parties, are trying to persuade the undecided voters to choose a side. But the last elections showed that winning is not about convincing the undecided, it is about motivating your team to show up, and the biggest motivator is to dislike the other side. The concept from political science research called «negative partisanship» is the fear and the hate that people feel towards the opposition party. At the end of the day, the «undecided» are leaning towards one party, so they are not real undecided voters.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Nice Attack

An attacker armed with a knife killed three people in a church in Nice, France. The authorities said that it was the third attack in two months. The attacks had been creating panic after they emerged due to the caricatured image of the Prophet Muhammad. (more information here).

Muslims «Have The Right To Kill»

Malaysia’s former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad said Thursday that Muslims had a right «to kill millions of French people», shortly after a knife-wielding man launched a deadly attack in Nice. Three people where killed when this attack happened. (more information here).


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