DIY: Elegant Thanksgiving decorations

Ximena Zavala Luque

Many people think Thanksgiving is the biggest meal of the year. If you fall into this category, then you will not only consider Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie, but also as a lot of energy into table decoration.

If you want an elegant, different and affordable seasonal decoration, we have some ideas that can immediately enhance your Thanksgiving table.



  • Pumpkins (all types of sizes)
  • Masking tape
  • Mask
  • Scissors
  • Spray paint
  • Glitter
  • Glue

First step

We are going to cover the pumpkin stick completely, because we are going to sprinkle it with frost to give it a last final and special touch.

Second step

Now we are going to spray them all, use your mask and remember to do it outside so the chemicals in the paint don’t stay inside your home.

Final step

Now for the final step you have to put some glue in the stick and add as much glitter you want to cover all of it.


Hope you liked this amazing DIY, remember that every week there is something new on my page. Have Fun recreating.

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