The Queen’s Gambit

Welcome to a review of one of the best chess TV show, if not the best show of all time!

Shall we begin?

Puntuación: 5 de 5.

This show starts out with Beth Harmon as the heroine of the story, an 8 year old orphan girl who finds herself at a Christian school for orphans, in there she finds her true passion which is nothing less than chess…

After that, Beth goes on and on to tournaments worldwide capturing her best moments as a professional chess player.

This show has done a great job of capturing high tension games of chess tournaments and it can greatly show how they are in real life! Chess is a really fun game once you can learn how to play it well! And this show shows it.

An awesome fact is that the games protrayed in this series are actually based on actual competitions (although she is a made up character), chess fans have really liked this series because of its realism to the game. In the last years it’s almost like a gag among chess fans because of how incorrect they portray it in movies, sometimes it’s because they put the pieces in the wrong places, they move them weirdly or other things like that.

The Queens Gambit has been said of having a «Magnetic performance, incredibly realized period details, and emotionally intelligent writing» Which I totally agree with.

I binged – watched the series and absolutely loved it! I totally recommend it chess or not a chess fan the story is very intriguing with lots of emotions and it portrays it in an absolutely lovely way.

-José Carlos Unda

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