«Tom Holland back on set for Spiderman 3»


by : Ana Sofia Soberon Sepulveda

Will the famous Spider-Man return to save us from the covid 19 ? The reason for his long-awaited return

Spiderman 3: Primeras imágenes de Tom Holland en el rodaje de la película |  MARCA Claro México
Does Spiderman come back to save us form Covid 19?

Actor Tom Holland returns to his role as Peter Parker in Spiderman 3 continuing the sequel in the cinematic world of the Marvel Universe. The actor was seen landing in Atlanta where Spiderman movies are usually filmed to film this anticipated movie for Marvel fans . Last 6th of november famous actor Tom Holland via instagram posted

«Wear a mask, I’m wearing two…»»Wear a mask, I’m wearing two…»

Tom Holland

Showing a picture of the 24 year old actor in his Spiderman suit and his mask , making his followers conscious of the use of a mask because of pandemic .

This photograph also was posted in the Official Marvel instagram account making this official .

Last October Holland revealed via an Instagram video that he would very much like to be able to bring together all the Spidermen of the spider verse for this third film bringing together actors such as Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire .

Stay Tuned …

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