4 Fun Facts You Need to Know About The Weather

Playa del Carmen, Q.Roo

Alex Scott

#1 A Rainy Forecast does not mean it will rain

Playa del Carmen has low chances of it to pour more than 1-2 inches. As the locals say «No one is more bi-polar than the weather». Reading through the weather cast does give you an idea of what you can predict, but in most cases its low porcentage of it to actually rain. Even then, rain is normally at night.

#2 We Have Not Had a Serious Hurricane in 10 Years!

Hurricane Wilma

The last serious hurricane was Wilma which ocurred in 2005. Wilma damaged 98% of the hotels in Quintana Roo, which includes the resort towns of Cozumel, Cancún, and Playa del Carmen. On the other hand we had hurricane Zeta, which is currently one of our last reported hurricanes to hit playa, it caused minimal damaged and we recovered within days.

Hurricane Zeta

#3 Cold fronts Are a Thing

A Cold Front is a boundary of an advancing mass of cold air, in particular the trailing edge of the warm sector of a low-pressure system.

A cold front forms when a cold air mass pushes into a warmer air mass. They move fast, up to twice as fast as a warm front. As a cold front moves into an area, the heavier cool air pushes under the lighter warm air, causing it to rise up into the troposphere.

#4 We Get 340 Days of Sunshine a Year

Yes you heard it, in Playa del Carmen we get 340 days of Sun! so dont forget your suncreen because looking like a shrimp on the beach is not healthy. In playa, due to the perfect position we have in the globe, the sun typically hits us the most while the winds push clouds up to the north.

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