Star Wars Movies Ranked

Here we have a list from the Rotten Tomatoes on how each Star Wars related movies got its own grade and we are listing them from the worst to the best. Enjoy!

11. Star Wars: Rise of The Skywalkers 51%

Star Wars : The Rise of Skywalker suffers from a frustrating lack of imagination, but concludes this saga with a fan-focused devotion.

10.Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace 52%

This episode gets Star Wars into a «bumpy» start as it is populated with stock characters and isn’t the start that everyone was expecting.

9. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of The Clones 65%

This episode benefits from an increased emphasis or thrilling action, although they are undercut by ponderous plot points and undeveloped characters much like the first one.

8. Solo: A Star Wars Story 69%

This movie is a fun fast-paced space adventure where it introduces and statisfies newcomers to the saga as longtime fans reviewed this as a good driveby to the other non-saga movies.

7. Star Wars III: Revenger of The Sith 80%

With Episode III being one of the most succesfull ones of the new trilogy, it has a thrilling plot with exciting events, although it leaves longtime fans with unsure conclusions.

6.Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi 82%

This entretaining sci-fi adventure does a really great job on a fitting end to the classical 1970’s OG trilogy, a feast for the eyes and a very fancy movie for its times.

5: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 84%

Rogue One draws deep on Star Wars mythology while breaking a new narrative on brand new characters and doing a really great job of portraying them. A fresh new start for the saga and really well done!

4: Star Wars: The Last Jedi 90%

This movie honors the saga’s rich legacy while adding some twists that no one really expected them to come. Delivering various and rich emotions that the fans could never have thought of.

3: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 92%

An amazing and thrilling start to the whole Star Wars sagas and all of the movies starting this sci-fi related content, George Lucas opened our eyes to new possibilities in the filmmaking that never have been thought on before.

2: Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens 92%

This packed with action movie brings back familiar faces and new ones too! The Force Awakens literally awakens old and new viewers bringing them childhood memories and excitement.
  1. Star Wars Episode V- The Empire Strikes Back 94%
This movie is said to be Dark, sinister, and defies viewer expectations and takes the Star Wars series into new emotions and does a great job on putting them together. Definitely the best one so far.

Well hope you are ready to binge watch the Star Wars saga and figure out yourself what order you like them the best! Be sure to comment on your favorite one.


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