What we miss the most during this pandemic: TRAVEL POV

During this pandemic lots of things have changed, we are living under new normalities that we weren’t used to following: face masks, social distancing, working from home. But have you ever wondered, what do you miss the most from before 2020?

A lot of people including me miss going to school, having lunch with friends at the cafeteria, or going out on a Friday afternoon after school. Those are things that we won’t be able to experience again as a senior student, unless everything changes for next year, that is unlikely.

But apart from that, remember,the smell of an airport? preparing your bags for a trip? going on a flight without wearing a damn mask? Whether you prefer going on a crowded city and visit museums, historic places, malls and restaurants or you prefer visiting somewhere quieter, where you can relax and smell the trees of a forest, hear the ocean or go on a hike.

Travel is an escape for many from their ordinary life, and is a passion for others, this is why a lot of people are suffering from travel deficiency.

Okay, so, maybe this happened to you during this pandemic.

Before COVID-19 you planned your vacations, outside the country or with your family, the point is that you were excited to go on an airplane, or travel by car, you planned all the things you could do. As the time passed by and the news exploded with tons of health information your hopes were getting every time smaller. At the end you had to cancel your flights or postpone them.

A new study found out that consumers miss travel so much it’s taking an emotional toll on many of them. 48% of the surveyed are causing them to feel anxious and stressed, and three out of four respondents said that traveling was one of the activities that they’re most yearning for.

The airline industry came up with a creative idea, some airlines launched the concept «flights to nowhere» The plane takes off from an airport, it takes a round trip of a city, meals and drinks are served and lastly the planes land at the same airport, the flights follow all the security procedures. Do you think this new concept sounds silly or sounds like a necessary distraction?

Traveling during a pandemic? Is it worth the risk?

You have to keep in mind that you could spread the disease while traveling, so I think it’s best to make the test so you know if you are infected or not.

Also, you might want to reconsider about visiting a place with a high risk infection. And after your trip don’t forget to do quarantine for 14 days

Traveling during a pandemic must be hard, not all places are open, limited amount of people are restricted in almost all places. And you must wear a mask everywhere you go.

POV Videos that will make you forget you can’t travel during COVID-19

So, what are your thoughts about this?

Leave them on the comments and don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly newspaper!

-Nathalia Segovia

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