Best Thanksgiving Movies !

Now that we are in the season, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and here are my top 6 movies you should definitely MOST WATCH during this season. So get your turkey out and enjoy with your family !

  1. Chalie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)
Well, beggining with one of my personal favorites, I’ve probably seen this one more than 50 times when I was little and it is just amazing how it reveals the true meaning of Thanksgiving in a really beautiful and wonderful way. This movie is the right medicine for you.

2. The Oath (2018)

Well, this movie isn’t your typical family movie but in a series of comical situations they ensue as the Thanksgiving deadline approaches.

3. Jim Henson’s Turkey Hollow (2015)

Turkey hollow settles about these kids who go investigate a local legend about monsters while they are visiting relatives for Thanksgiving!

4. The Blind Side (2009)

This heart-touching movie talks about a homeless 17 year old where he has a Thanksgiving dinner for the first time and makes him realize how the world is actually a loving place to be with family and friends.

5. Garfield’s Thanksgiving

Garfield is a MOST WATCH in every single situation. He is a funny, comic, and overall a loving person to watch. In this movie he goes on adventures to celebrate holiday with nothing less but some delicious lasagna!

6. Scent of a Woman (1992)

All of Al Pacino’s movies are nonetheless great movies, this movie takes place over a Thanksgiving break, when a student agrees to take care of a blind veteran for the week and ends up learning more than what college can teach him.

Well I hope you are enjoying family time in this loving holiday and can at least watch one of these great movies where they click perfectly with this season. Enjoy your turkeys and may you have a wonderful Thanksigving!


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