The Most Wonderful Time for Business

Weekly Market Insight: November 26

Nov 26, 2020 at 11:32 a.m. By: Hapaki Lorenzo

Thursday closing prices:

  • USD/MXN 20.05
  • EUR/USD 1.19
  • EUR/MXN 23.83
  • Gold USD 1817.9
  • Oil USD 45.24

Diebrief: Tesla Finally made the S&P500 this week elevating it’s stock to new highs, something important to learn from this is that the anouncement was made afterhours, making it impossible for ordinary investors without afterhours-market-reach to hop on the train.

Photo by cottonbro on

Christmas Day, Oh!, what a day of wonders, where people laugh, buy presents and get together with friends and family, to celebrate and commemorate the Birth of Jesus and the arrival of Santa Claus that same night. It might be considered to be one of the happiest days of the year. But, is it actually what everyone thinks? is it a joyous moment with the sole purpose of spreading joy?
If you come from a Christian family you’ll likely say the festivities have been corrupted and therefore demerit Jesus, and If you look at the facts, you’ll see Jesus was born in a barn, and his way of living revealed that he had no real ambition for worldly possessions, As he once said: “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Making it easy to assume that current Christmas does not bring any good values to children around the globe.
Companies are not making it any easier, with marketing campaigns that promote hysterical shopping, twisting Santa Claus into a Marketing God, Using and altering his image at pleasure. Some might even consider it the biggest economical waste for the next reason.
For Christmas, Juan wants a book, so Matt gives him one, the one matt bought is worth $300, But the one for would have wanted was only $100, That will be a $200 expense that could’ve been avoided if alternatively, Matt gave money to Juan so he could buy whatever he wanted. The thing about this predicament with economists is that they don’t consider the added value of a present. When you give something, the present doesn’t matter that much, but the fact that your friend went to all that trouble to give you something. That is what’s important. In the end, It doesn’t matter where you come from, you are free to do with your money as you please, just remember to be safe, respect and enjoy your holidays drinking Kaleo, because you deserve the best, we bring you the best coffee from Mexico.

Be ready to experience true coffee: Kaleo

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