While you were satying at home the Coronavirus vaccine was created

The coronavirus has affected us a lot during this time, a year and twenty-six days have passed since the first case of coronavirus in all this time the virus continues to spread and the number of infected has not stopped growing some countries managed to get rid of this virus but countries with a bad government have not been able to deal with this virus, But others where the virus was so widespread that it seemed that it would not be possible to control it went from being the first place in the world with cases of coronavirus to having today December 6, 2020 to having only 15 cases, but in the countries where the virus is very serious the vaccine is very necessary to reactivate the economy and movement of the country.

How Pfizer’s Vaccine Works

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is based on the virus’ genetic instructions.

This vaccine is mRNA-based. mRNA stands for messenger RNA, which is produced by DNA. Its called messenger because they “carry” information to other parts of the cell. This informations are instructions, that will tell the cell to produce this specific protein, a version of the spike protein from the coronavirus.

First they wrap this molecule in oily bubbles of nanoparticles, because the mRNA is so fragile that if its injected directly into our bodies it would split up into tiny pieces.
They also need to keep this vaccine in containers with dry ice at a -94ºF because of its fragility.
When the vaccine is injected, its particles release the mRNA to the cells, giving instructions to build the protein spikes and our immune system recognizes that protein and starts producing immune cells and later on, antibodies.

This happens when an immune cell bumps into the protein spikes and latch onto them. And they can only start generating antibodies with the help of a “Helper T-cell”.
What the antibodies do is latch onto coronavirus spikes and blocks them from connecting to other cells.

Now when a vaccinated cell dies, all of the protein spikes will be used be an immune cell called antigen-presenting cell. This cell will help killing infected cells, using the “killer T-cell” that is in our immune system.

Effectiveness of the vaccine

On November 9, Pfizer announced that its vaccine had reached 90% effectiveness in preventing infection caused by the coronavirus, all this happened in its phase 3.

Later, to be more specific on November 20, 2020, the company affirmed that in the last analyses and studies its data revealed that the effectiveness of its vaccine had had an increase of 5%, that is to say that it reached 95% of effectiveness.

In a press release, Pfizer said that the Phase 3 study of its vaccine showed that over 43,000 volunteers had only 170 cases of covid-19 and that half of them received the vaccine and half a placebo.

Of the 170 who became infected, only 8 cases occurred among those who received the vaccine and 162 among those who received the placebo.

Approval in the United Kingdom

Boris jhonson a brittish politican reported has staded that the vaccines are going to save lives “We have been waiting and looking forward to the day when the beacons of science capture our invisible enemy and give us the power to prevent that enemy from making us sick. And now scientists have. And they have used the virus itself to perform a kind of biological jujitsu to convert the virus itself into a vaccine.»

Accoarding to source the department of state of Health in the united kindom also known as NHS had said that they are in aproval of the recomendation of the independent Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Also known as MHRA to aprove the caccine after the months of clinics and analisis of data gadered by experts of the MHRA who has conclude that the vaccine has acomplished whith the estrict estandars of security quality and efficency.

According to a declaration the vaccine will be available on all the united kindom begining next week.

Personal opinion

I think this vaccine is a great opportunity to contine with our lives in the future this is not a change that will come from a day randomly and i think it still is missing some more time for aprovval in more countrys this will take longer time but atleast we know that the vaccine is happening and its working its just a step closer so the virus can end in a quicker way and i think is something that people should look forward to it gives a sence of hope.

At the end of the day we can only wait and i know it has been a long time but i think this s the best news we heard so far since this pandemic started i hope people are safe and taking the safe standar as they should.

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