What happened after the explosion in Lebanon?

One of the moments of most impact during the last months happened after a massive explosion in Beirut that resulted in the deaths of more than 200 people that shook the world. I still remember seeing the news and videos that day and not understanding anything about what had just happened a few hours ago, only that it wasn’t good. But after all the bombarding of information from all the news media, everything seemed to go quiet after that. Everybody seemed to forget what had just happened a few days ago and move on like nothing ever happened. So here is a short summary of what actually happened after the disaster in Lebanon so you don’t have to do your own research.

To begin everything Lebanon’s government stepped down right after the explosion had taken place and hundreds of protestors took the streets of the city, already buckling under the strain of a global pandemic and to add to that a financial meltdown and a political crisis that nobody could keep under control. These protest were ones of the largest and most violent the city has seen in nearly also decade due to the critical situation in which the country was at the moment.

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The prime minister Hassan Dian addresed the nation and announced his resignation and that of his government after the explosion which he called a «disaster beyond measure». Now, after the resignation of Hassan Dian the Libanese people had yet again to find their third prime minister in less than a year. They blamed the detonation on 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate that had been stored unsafely at a warehouse in the port of Beirut. The thing here is that they obviously knew about the danger that the explosive material represented and chose to ignore it. Many warnings had been given to them and prior administrations but none of them listened about the disaster that could happen in any moment. Now, months later after a tiring and extensive investigation, a Lebanese judge has charged caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab and three ex-ministers with criminal neglect.

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