Best Moments of 2020 in Soccer

2020 was a year to remember in many areas of life, many people will remember it as a year to forget, and although there were many bad things, at least in sports, specifically in soccer, incredible things happened and others not so much . Starting the year we will review what was the best and worst for mein this beautiful sport during the last year.

Covid 19 in soccer

Covid 19 affected the whole world, and sports were no exception, when it was reported in March that many of the world’s leagues would stop playing due to the pandemic, this was something that I had never seen before. After these difficult months, Germany set the tone for football to return in June, although other tournaments decided to be terminated.

UEFA Europa League final without fans

The kings of Germany

If we talk about 2020, we have to talk about what in my opinion was the best team in the world, Bayern Munich. The arrival of Hansi Flick revitalized the team and gave them the necessary strength to wipe out anyone who got on their way. Champions of everything in Germany, winners of the Champions League and European Super Cup, we can only see if they manage to be club world champions, to witness something that has only been seen once in history with Pep Guardiola’s Barcelona.

The End of an era

This year, it also marked the beginning of the end of an era as wonderful for sports as that of Cristiano Ronaldo and of course Lionel Messi. With 35 and 33 years respectively, we are beginning to live perhaps the last years of the elite for these great players. A great example of this is that neither of them could win the «The Best» award (the Balon d’or award was canceled due to the pandemic). This award was given to Robert Lewandowski, although not surprisingly, he had a spectacular year winning it all with Bayern Munich.

Messi’s decision

Messi and his uncertainty shocked the world when, through a burofax, he announced to the leaders of Barcelona that he wanted to leave the institution that saw him become a footballer. There were many doubts about it, and after a long fight with the club president, Josep María Bartomeu, Messi stayed, but with his contract ending in June 2021, the world is still waiting for what will be the final decision of the best player in the world.

The Goodbye to el D10S

To close this count, we end with the news that most impacted the world of football this year, the goodbye of Diego Armando Maradona, who unfortunately passed away last year at 60 years old. With ups and downs during his life, the one who for many is the best player in history has left, but without a doubt his legacy lives on and the memories of «El Diego» running with the ball at his feet on a green field will never go away. , because he is eternal.

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