An intelligent facemask?!

Razer company just presented «project hazel» an intelligent mask that will allow you to face the new normal with protection that’s far from average.

It’s the most intelligent mask ever created.

Who’s the razer company?

It’s a global company that has built  the world’s largest gamer-focused ecosystem of hardware, software and services. The world leading lifestyle brand for gamers.

This mask will allow you:

  • Active ventilation

the mask’s detachable ventilator regulates airflow, capable of filtering at least 95% of airbone particles. It also brings in cool air and releases heat produced by exhaling.

  • Surgical N95 respirator

the mask also has a high fluid resistance which protects against large droplets and splashes.

  • Auto-sterilization function

The mask comes with a special charging case lined with a UV light interior which kills bacteria and viruses as the mask charges.

  • Voice-camp tech

It has a built in mic and amplifier combo, it will ensure your speech isn’t muffled.

  • Transparent design

more seamless social interaction with others as they’ll be able to see you speak and pick up on your facial cues easily.

  • Low light mode

the smart mask’s interior lights up automatically when it’s dark.

I think this is a big step for medical technology but this mask is not necessarily for everybody.

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