The importance of exercise

How to Exercise if You Have an Ectomorph Body Type | Everyday Health

Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability. Regular exercise will help you maintain your health, strength, flexibility, balance, and most importantly, a healthy mind. Regular exercise prevents your body to suffer from overweight, having health conditions and diseases. Also, exercise boosts your energy, improves your mood and social function. To see better results in yourself after a physical activity, you need to eat healthy and sleep well. All this is very important because how you feel projects in your daily life activities.

It’s important to remember that we have evolved from nomadic ancestors who spent all their time moving around in search of food and shelter, traveling large distances on a daily basis. Our bodies are designed and have evolved to be regularly active.

Some benefits of exercise are:

  • Improve your memory and brain function (all age groups).
  • Protect against many chronic diseases.
  • Aid in weight management.
  • Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • Improve your quality of sleep.
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • Combat cancer-related fatigue.
  • Improve joint pain and stiffness.

There are so many options to be phisicaly active, you just need to find what you enjoy. Personaly, excercise has helped be get through many rough stages in my life. It reflects in everything I do, my mind is more clear and destressed.

Here are some examples of things and activities you can do to activate your body if you are just starting:

  • Daily walk
  • Jumpling rope
  • Bike rides
  • Dancing class
  • Home ab workout
  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Yoga

This is your time to get out of bed and be active, your body is going to thank you!

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