Shorts the 2009 Movie

No not pixar shorts, I’m talking about the 2009 Warner Bros film of 1 hr and 29 mintues: «Shorts«. It is (in my opinion) AMAZING. It is meant for preteens and kids, but if you want to have a good laugh at a really «stupid» movie this is the one for you.

This movie is not really popular and most people have never heard of it. It’s currently not available in Netflix, Prime Video nor Disney+. But I assure you if you find it somewhere you will enjoy the movie.

The town where this is set is called «Black Falls Community«, the name comes from the black falls company that sells this black box that makes them a lot of money. The owner has 2 kids a boy called Cole Black and a daughter named Helvetica Black.

The people in town are a bit strange and most of them have really weird habits. I don’t want to spoil too much, but I will say there are 2 kids in the movie that throughout the WHOLE film are doing a staring contest.

It starts off explaining that there is a magical rock. The rock is beautiful and represents a rainbow. Toby Thompson finds this rock somewhere and is explaining how he doesn’t remember the sequence too much so he will tell us the story in a series of shorts, hence the name.

The word breaks out about a magical rock that grants wishes fell from the sky and is in the very town, people start going crazy, even crazier that they already were.

The Cast

1. Jimmy Bennett as Toby Thompson

2. Kat Dennings as Stacy Thompson

3. Jolie Vanier as Helvetica Black

4. Jake Short as Nose Nose

5. Leo Howard as Laser

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