Gen Z, who are we?!

Generation Z, also called «centenialls» were born between 1995- 2012/15, our current age is 6 to 24 and there are 68 million of us .

As a generation who was born with all the technology in our hands we are often called lazy, obsessed and unmotivated. Social media influences a lot of our decisions, and it also creates unwanted pressure and imposible expectations.

We are natives of the digital age

We do not know the world without screens, we are always connected, and although we know that they cannot always be beneficial, we can take advantage of them.

As a centeniall writer I can tell you that technology including social media is also helpful for us, if we know how to use it, currently there’s more than half a million teachers teaching on internet, we can use technology for our advantage, we can learn from social media, we can communicate with friends and family. It opens infinite opportunities for us to learn and prepare for the challenges of the future.

We have Social and environmental awareness

We know whats happening around the world, thats what makes us conscientious consumers, we choose sustainable brands and we actively participate in environmental or social organizations, we are much more open with all the subjects than previous generations, we are like this because we want the best for our future.

We are pragmatic and realistic

We know how to dream but we are aso rational, if we have a passion we know how to pursue it and thanks to the internet it is easier for us.

We are adaptable and resilient

We have already experienced a lot of threats like terrorism, climate change and even a pandemic that is not over yet. We are developing skills that kids our age have never historically been able to develop.

We are creative and self taught

We can create, learn, try , fail and publish in an easier way than ever before, we are creators seeking for an audience that will understand us. We can learn something quickly, we often find new tools to cultivate knowledge in young people, we considerate soft skills as an essential part of our training process.

We are passionate about what we do

Even tho we adapt to various work contexts, we assure that we will put our best efforts to work on what we love, to seek to transmit a message that will get to other people with the same passions or to look for new people that are interested in our field.

So who are we?! My generation, Gen z are more astute than ever, we are creative, mindful, realistic, resilient and passionate about what we do.

This magazine is a perfect example for our generation, we work our best to transmit our messages to new corners of the world.

we are a limitless generation and we are going to accomplish great things now and in the future.

Author: Nathalia Segovia

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