Fertility rate is what Korean Government is afraid of.

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When it comes to fertility in South Korea, the country with the lowest fertility rate in the world, this is a serious topic to talk about. Even though there was a small growth of the fertility rate during the recent years, last year was a horrific year for the country.

2020 was the year in which there were more deaths than births.

For the first time, since the first census in 1949, death rate has increased 3.1% (307, 704 thousand) and surpassed the birth rate (275, 815 thousand). Which means that fertility rate decreased 10.65%, which is the lowest historical number.

This has put the Korean Government in a serious state. South Koreans who are in the range of 50 – 59 years old are taking the 16.7% of the total population. While South Koreans over 60 years old take 24% of the total population. There was also an increase of houses, being 6.7% of houses where only one person lives.

Less and less women want to be a mother because of the big discrimination there is in their work place. Even though there are laws for pregnant women, their work places don’t respect them. Many prefer to not start a family and build their life «calmly». Not only that, for young couples it is hard to buy a place to live with their partner because of the increase in property prices.

There is an increase of labor shortage by the same reason of low fertility rate. Making the current South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, present new laws to motivate south korean citizens to create new families.

Starting from 2022, every kid that is born will receive a pass of $1.850 USD in cash, but also they will receive monthly $300 USD until the kid reaches 1 year old.

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