How can we protect our mental health in the era of COVID-19 pandemic?

As I leave the pandemic, it’s difficult for me to be motivated. I honestly hate the new way of doing things and I know it’s not anyone’s fault, most of us are  passing the same path. The first thing you need to do is recognize your anxiety, it’s completely normal.

“Your anxiety is going to help you make the decisions that you need to be making right now – not spending time in big groups of people, washing your hands and not touching your face.”

“There are many things we can do to keep ourselves and others safe and to feel in better control of our circumstances: frequently wash our hands, don’t touch our faces and limit facetime with others.”

Find a distraction to keep you up or active, find a way to connect with your friends and keep contact with them, focus on yourself, this is the time when you have to connect with your feelings. What is the best way to deal with disappointment? Allow yourself to feel it.

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