«How to avoid reaching the extreme of being overweight and suffering from obesity?»

As we all know, health is always essential for us human beings because without it, we are not able to have a stable and progressive development in our lives, since it seriously harms us, affecting our body, which would cause us to try our daily actions will hurt us or get sick even worse. Therefore, it is recommended that we protect our health by taking care of our body in all areas of our lives. In fact, one of the most important features that must be taken into account is the correct, diverse and healthy diet to prevent chronic diseases that can be cardiovascular, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even cancer. In this way, we find one of the most common and recognized diseases that is obesity derived from the main factor mentioned, inappropriate diet.According to the WHO, about 2.7 million people die each year from this problem.

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La obesidad: la mortal enfermedad del mundo rico - AS.com

However, there are various methods and recreational activities that can generate solutions to overweight, for example: go to a nutritionist to control your weight, diet and nutrients that you need for your body to function efficiently. In addition, a tip to follow is to establish a regular meal schedule and avoid consuming saturated fats, sugars, fast foods and with a lot of salt, such as fried foods and batters and instead replace them with foods rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and simple water. In this way, I also advise making homemade meals, because they facilitate the formation of better eating habits and the consumption of foods with lower energy density. Likewise, we have to take into account the encouragement of physical activity and more if we are overweight.
In conclusion, if we are willing to make the change of our lives we can successfully achieve it step by step.

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