8M: «¡Lo vamos a tirar!»

In a country where every woman that goes outside, has the fear of not coming back, where 7 in each 15 women have suffered from any kind of violence; feminist collectives organized a protest in commemoration of all the women that have disappeared and suffered from abuse or violence just because of their gender.

May be an image of 5 people, people standing, crowd and outdoors

In a country where since 2017 to 2020, feminicides increased from 7 to 10.5 a DAY. Where someone can kill you just because you are a woman and be free after the crime because the the system doesn’t care and where the cases are treated as normal homicides because the government is too lazy to take care of another murder of an innocent woman who just wanted to party, who just went for a walk, who just went for some water to the convenience store or just wanted to feel safe with their partner who ended up killing them out of rage.

Mexico is facing the covers of many international newspapers and magazines as one of the most beautiful and amazing countries for vacation but also we are facing the covers because of the crime rates that are happening NOW.

Mexico occupies the 8th place as one of the most dangerous countries for women in the world. From 2015 to 2019, 15,804 murders of women happened while only 3,000 were investigated as feminicides, that’s 23.7% of all of the ones that happened. The pandemic isn’t helping either, domestic violence rates augmented up to 2.6% since quarantine started. Call centers stated that domestic violence calls for help also augmented abnormally.

Collective «Siempre Unidas» convoked a protest for the victims in Playa del Carmen this past monday March 8th, international women’s day. It started on CTM Ave. with 5th Ave. at 17:30 where each block stopped and called the name of a victim renaming the street in their honor asking for justice. One of them was Erika Basaldúa, a hard working woman who left for work and never came back, they found her body in a luggage in the middle of Playa del Carmen.

We live in a country where patriarchy is over our heads and is killing thousands of women everyday and leaving their families without an answer.

“A donde quiera que nos paremos tenemos que exigir y pedir justicia porque si por ellos fuera a todos los casos les dieran carpetazo”

mentioned by Araceli Mondragón, mother of Abigail who was murdered in 2016.

Sadly, people still think that our ways of protesting are violent and out of place, «hay otras formas», «así no». But we still live in a «machista» country where men still think that women are an object just for their pleasure, where being a woman is dangerous and scary. If all these statistics don’t get you into reasoning and place, I don’t know what will.

It could be me, or your best friend, your mom, or your sister the one who’s next. We’re asking to NOT BE KILLED, something that we should not be asking for in the first place.

Here are some pictures of the protest taken by a fellow feminist.

May be an image of 2 people, people standing and outdoors
May be an image of one or more people, people standing and outdoors
May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors
May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

En memoria de:

Erika Basaldúa, Vanesa González, Roberta Coba, Elisa Coba, Jeydi Sarauza, Griselda Carrillo, Vianca Moreno, Shaira Torres, Daniela Patiño, Karla Vázquez, Inés May, Fernanda Vargas, Ana Gómez, Rocío Solis, Bartola Álvarez y muchísimas mujeres más que nos hacen falta.

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