«Famous Feminists: Inspiring women through History»

Fight for equality, fight for no more femicide deaths, let’s make women’s day a day to raise awareness of how important we are.

Women’s Day was this week and as we know the struggle of women has always been present, here are some women who have driven the feminist movement

Eleanor Roosevelt

The first lady of the United States was one of the first pioneers in the fight for gender equality. Eleanor carried out throughout the years women’s movements and joined several associations that supported her ideals as they were The International Congress of Working women and also the women’s international league of peace and freedom.

Marie Curie

To say that Curie was not a feminist would be a mistake since her whole story is focused on the movement of the struggle to be considered important to society by breaking with the stereotypes of the time. The revolutionary scientist for her discoveries and the fact that she was a woman doing what at that time only a man was allowed to do.

Angela Davis

The African American Philosopher and activist has been one of the driving forces for gender equality, defending the feminist movement.

Davids clarifies that the struggle of this movement has been very long as she has suffered mistreatment for being a woman of color. She was accused by the FBI of being a terrorist for a period of 10 years, 5 of which she was unjustly imprisoned. She confirmed that at that time the women’s treatment was categorized citing the following «It is important that we make it very clear that the category ‘woman’ is not unitary».»

Frida Khalo

The Mexican painter whose paintings tell the story of her expressing through them the pain she had and how she suppressed her feelings giving her own voice to those women who were going through the same situations and who were afraid to speak in their homes because at that time it was taboo to speak freely about these issues: Sexuality, abortion, breastfeeding and motherhood.

Barbara Walters

The first woman to play an important role in journalism, which at the time was only a job for men. After her success she was given the opportunity to be the first woman to co-star in the Today show in 1976 as part of the ABC news family.

Virginia Woolf

This author who breaks the stereotypes of the time in her books talking about topics that were not spoken for that time interpreting emotions that were experienced before. She talked about topics that were not well seen for a woman to talk about, breaking with the «traditional woman».

best known books : Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, A Room of One’s Own and the Waves.

Coco Chanel

An iconic fashion designer revolutionized women’s clothing at the time by breaking the barriers of the feminine concept by creating garments that revealed her practical and elegant style.

Today it is one of the most recognized brands worldwide being of high prestige.

Emma Watson

Apart from being an actress, she is one of the most influential women in the feminist movement today, being the ONU’s He for She goodwill ambassador.

At only 24 years old Watson has been involved in the education of girls in underprivileged parts of the world . She has also worked as a volunteer in humanitarian work proyects . She quoted that it was an honour for her .

That’s all for today. I hope these powerful women inspire you as they do me.

Sources :

Marta Borraz, I. (2018, October 24). Angela Davis, LA pantera Negra del feminismo total: «hay QUE dejar muy claro que la Categoría ‘MUJER’ no es unitaria». Retrieved March 12, 2021, from https://www.eldiario.es/desalambre/angela-davis_1_1874142.html

-Stay Tuned

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