No more dubbing to Spanish in movies?

In Mexico there is a new cinematography law, article 8, which tells us that as of May 21, all movies in Mexico will have to be in their original language and with Spanish subtitles, even Spanish movies will have subtitles in Spanish.

This law gave a lot to talk about and people began to ask what was going to happen to all the people who are dedicated to dubbing these films, because yesterday, March 23, Sergio Mayer, the president of the culture and cinematography gave a press conference and said that the people who work in this profession will not suffer any kind of problem with this new law, many people in the middle claim that he is lying and that in reality it will be the beginning of the end for the work of these people, the deputy Sergio also announced that only films for minors will be available dubbed into Spanish.

But why do all this? Well, the reason for this new law is to try to include people who suffer from a hearing problem and try to help them and include them in the middle, in Mexico there are more than 3.5 million people with a hearing disability. what do you think about it? Do you think it’s okay for Spanish movies to have Spanish subtitles?

Un comentario en “No more dubbing to Spanish in movies?

  1. I think it´s okay to have spanish subtitles, but what kind of inclusion is to leave out a mayority who don´t speak english or people who can´t read. That makes no sense. Dubbing is a very cool and fun profession it is an art.

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