How Video Games are Changing the World

Alexander Scott Garcia

What are Video Games?

The simple answer is that a computer game is intelligent computerized amusement that you «play» by means of a computer, a game console or a cellphone or tablet. Video games can be described by its interactive abilities and entertainment all in one. They have many genres that you can pick and can also be a widespread of stories and of course different plots.

The Beginning of Video Games

Computer games have been around since the mid 1970s. In 1972 Atari released their first video game of pong. where people had two controllers and had to deflect an incoming ball with a controlable white rectangle that covers the scoring point for the other team. Now going to our present, more than 50 videos games are made on a daily basis thanks to the fast software and computers that are in the hands of millions of consumers.

21st Century Game Changer

In early 2020 we faced a pandemic virus and in exchange the world was locked up bored and the game industry exploded with attention to its use, millions of consumers came along the road purchasing consoles, computers and more. The games are changing the world by crating a new perspective of how they work, we can now use them to not only play, but to socialize with anyone on the network. You are able to communicate with people around the world to complete tasks or to even relax and play along with. As video games continue to grow, the industry has started developing VR (Virtual Reality) games to push the interaction of games and reality of a game to every movement of your body.

Full on Jobs

You presumably could never have imagined that you could play computer games professionally, yet in 2018 you can. Truth be told, you’ve had the option to make an effective vocation out of expert video gaming for various years at this point. It’s called eSports and there are groups from everywhere the world and multi-million dollar competitions that occur everywhere on the world.

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Tyson, J. (2000, October 16). How Video Game Systems Work. HowStuffWorks.,man%20who%20developed%20Computer%20Space.

TFE Times. (2018, May 7). How Video Games are Changing the World. TFE Times.

Martin, R. (2020, September 16). Gaming Can Change the World Too. Medium.

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