Best Disney Princesses

Let’s get down to business and count all of our greatest Disney princesses and queens there is. We all know Disney loves its princesses and princes, so I hope all the little kiddos reading this blog enjoy our list.

1.- Mulan The Fearless Warrior

Mulan 1998

Mulan is the best warrior china has ever had, she took down all the hans! She is passionate, kind and loyal. She is a great inspiration for all the children who watch disney, she broke stereotypes and proved people wrong!

2.- Moana The Chief of Motunui

Moana 2016

Moana is a great leader and a great hero, she managed to save her island but also the who world from the curse of Tahiti! She risked her life for the sake of everyone else.

3.- Jasmine the Independent and Rebellious Princess

Aladdin 1998 // Aladdin 2019

“How dare you! All of you – standing around, deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won!” Jasmine does not let other people tell her what to do, especially men. We get to see two Jasmines thanks to the new aladdin film adaptation and she even gets an amazing song thas empowering for kids. It shows that she can not be silenced and she will fight back!

4.- Pocahontas our empowering princess

Pocahontas 1995

Pocahontas has such an amazing impact on our hearts, she was all about finding peace. She finds love with a man who is a bit savage, but she turns him into a peace lover too. He was wounded and had to leave but she (as the empowered woman she is) decides to stay because her people need her.

5.- Elsa the Ice Queen

Frozen 2013

Elsa is such an inspiration, she literally stops her sister from marrying a psycho, she knows how to push but then she learns to accept everyone into her life.

All the princesses are amazing so here is a picture of our lovely ladies:

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