Top 3 Activities for Children´s Day at Home!

Since the begging of the pandemic, doing activities has been really challenging, movie theatres, malls, restaurants and many other businesses closed and thats why we bring you a Top 3 activities for children´s day at home!

3. Movie Marathon: When we were kids most of us enjoyed satying at home and watching movies with our parents, eating junk food and just relaxing for the hole day. This is a perfect activite for Children´s Day because all you need to do this is have a Netflix, Disney +, Amazon Prime, etc… And pick movies with your family, go to the store buy chips, sodas, order pizzas and enjoy!

Take Your Next Movie Marathon To The Next Level in 3 Easy Steps

2. Treasure Hunting: This idea is easy to make and super fun for children. All you have to do is come up with some story about a pirate, princess or anything, and write down clues on a pice of paper, then hide al the clues around the house and wait for the kids to find the treasure. The treasure can be anything, candy, a toy or anything that you can come up with! To make it funnier you can also tell the kids to wear costumes.

Pirate Birthday Party Treasure Hunt - The Mom Creative

1. Camp at home: This is something that I really loved doing as a kid, putting sheets all around the living room or in my own room. To make this all we need are sheets, we just need to palce them around the furniture, beds or sofas, and put a heavy object on top of it, the best part is to make the camp as big as possible, expanding all around the house. For this activity is better to let the kids do it by themselves and help from time to time. To take it a step further, get junk food, and a tablet or cellphone so that they can enjoy a movie.

 (2020, agosto 5). 5 ideas para el día del niño en cuarentena – Programa Futura Mamá. Se recuperó el abril 29, 2021 de

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