DIY: How to Become a Teacher?

A good teacher is the basis of a successful education and for this to be so, it is necessary to have a series of personal and professional skills. Because teaching is not just transferring knowledge, it is much more, it is about knowing how to create the necessary conditions for students to learn to think and build their own knowledge about the world around them.

A good teacher does not only need a broad knowledge of the subject he teaches and a study plan. You need to be enthusiastic, loving and empathetic but also firm and respectful, responsible, flexible and communicative. These, among other characteristics, make up the keys to being a good teacher.

Today we highlight 7 characteristics that we think are essential.


Patience, to deal with both those students who have a hard time and those who always want more, to know how to wait for the slowest but also to adapt to those who finish too quickly.

It is very important since not all are the same and some need more explanation and time to understand and there are others that are very easy and fast, that is why you have to be PATIENTS!


A good teacher must be able to be creative both in the way of attracting the attention of the students and in the way of presenting their knowledge creating unique, captivating and dynamic lessons.

Besides that it makes the classes more interesting, fun
and students learn in a fun way.

3.Respect for oneself

towards their classmates and obviously towards their students and respective parents. If there is something that teachers must take into account, it is that they are a role model for each of the students, who constantly observe them how they act, how they speak, how they move or respond.

It is also very important to give yourself respect and not let yourself be manipulated by the students since you are the authority and you must react in a respectable way towards them so that they understand you


Children and precisely the training of their students is the most important job they have to do. That is why a responsible teacher arrives on time, prepares classes well, motivates his students, is creative and communicative, attentive and patient, always looking for the best for all of them.

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A good teacher must know how to put coherent and consistent norms and rules in his classroom, he must exercise the authority that his position gives him without falling into authoritarianism, which would detract from his credibility and distance him from his students. For example, if he doesn’t allow his students to eat gum, he shouldn’t either.

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Empathy, to put yourself in the student’s shoes and understand their difficulties or concerns; understand him and help him overcome the obstacles that hold him back or to challenge him to go further.

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Capable of motivating his students and infecting them with the desire to learn and know. An enthusiasm capable of reaching the student and awakening their curiosity about their surroundings.

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If you follow these simple steps, you will be the best teacher for your students, it may take a little time, but I assure you that with a good attitude it can be achieved. I leave you a video so that you can continue guiding yourself.


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