«If you can imagine it, you can program it»

Welcome to a new entry of TP Times!

When it comes to Teacher’s Day we usually remember all those who were/are our teachers. But this time, I’m going to talk about someone that wasn’t my teacher but I learned a lot from.

He is Alejandro Taboada Sanchez
The creator behind the channel «Programación ATS»

In my first year of High School, our programming teacher started teaching us how to code in C# with the videos of the channel «Programación ATS». If I may be honest with you, I wouldn’t learn a thing of what the teacher was teaching if it wasn’t for his videos.

For that class, the videos and the way he taught, I fell in love with programming. I don’t how or in which specific theme I started loving to program, but I don’t regret at all.
I’m one month away from finishing my High School.
I feel a bit nostalgic remembering all the teachers that taught me lots of things (and some that I just hated). Without any of my teachers, I would come so far.
But the MVP, (Most Valuable Player), is Alejandro.

Thanks to Alejandro, I could decided easily what career I want to study.
Thanks to Alejandro, I could discover a new world that I really enjoy to be in.
Thanks to Alejandro, I could learn lots of things that I wouldn’t get with only the presentations of the teacher.

Even though Alejandro is not alive anymore, (because he, sadly, died on the 2nd of August of 2019 due to cancer) I feel so thankful to him.

I hope you are okay and happy in whatever place you are, Alejandro.
Thank you for letting me discover a whole new world.
Thank you for letting me discover my passion.

Rest in peace Alejandro

Happy Teacher’s Day to all the teachers that are reading this. Please continue teaching people with your amazing knowledge.
And all of you remember:

«If you can imagine it, you can program it»

See you in the next entry of TP Times!

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Programación ATS. Wiki YouTube Pedia. (n.d.). https://youtube.fandom.com/es/wiki/Programaci%C3%B3n_ATS#:~:text=Falleci%C3%B3%20el%20d%C3%ADa%202%20de,se%20le%20fue%20diagnosticado%20previamente.

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