«Top 5 Famous people who used to be teachers»

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
– Benjamin Franklin

Today is teachers day and we want to celebrate this day with you who have supported us so much throughout our education as students, helping us to face the obstacles that life will put in our way. Did you know that many famous people were teachers before they became what they are today? Well yes, celebrities from the film industry, authors, musicians, etc. are today recognised by the world without many knowing that they started their careers.

Here are my top 5 famous people who were once teachers……….

Gene Simmons

Before he became the bassist of the famous band Kiss, Gene taught 6th grade during a period of only 6 months this because of the band success. He said that : «The reason I quit after six months is that I discovered the real reason I became a teacher. It was because I wanted to get up on stage and have people notice me. I had to quit because the stage was too small. Forty people wasn’t enough. I wanted 40,000,» this during an interview with The Ledger.

Hillary Clinton

Back when she moved to Arkansas in 1974 with her husband Bill Clinton, she started a job in the University Arkansas, Fayetteville, teaching criminal law as one of only two female faculty members on staff.

Hugh Jackman

It is not news that he is known for his muscular body which we could see in the role of Wolverine but how did he get to have the body he has? no more and no less than by being the gym teacher at the England’s Uppingham School. In fact several years ago he reunited with one of his students, he recognised him ,interrupting the interview that he was having with entertainment reporter Rollo Ross , by telling him » now, how is your physical education progressing. It’s very important to me.»

Barack Obama

The ex president of the United States Of America spent 12 years teaching constitutional law and race theory at the University of Chicago Law School. Testimonies of his previews students say that Obama was an «equally diplomatic and challenging lecturer, pushing both liberals and conservatives to assess their own moral views and political leanings».

Jesse Williams

Also known as «Jackson Avery » in Grey’s Anatomy after graduating, he taught African American Studies and English for 6 years in the Philadelphia public school system. In fact he didn’t even consider an acting career before his debut in Grey’s Anatomy .

Thats all for today……………

Who is your favourite Tepeyac teacher? Is it Tamayo ? Maybe Juanito … perhaps both

The real question is Who are the teachers’ favourites?

-stay tuned

Inspired by

Moor, A. (2018, 2 octubre). 33 Famous People Who Used to Be Teachers. Best Life. https://bestlifeonline.com/famous-people-who-were-teachers/

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