Top 5 Movie Teachers

Who doesn’t love a good movie with a life lesson? and what better way to celebrate and remember the valuable lessons our teachers taught us than by making a list of some of the most inspirational teachers in movies.

5. Minerva Mcgonagall from «Harry Potter»: I’m not going to lie, I am a little biased towards this one because I love Harry Potter, but there is no denying Mcgonagall is one of the best and most caring teachers in movies. She can have the reputation for being something of a hard-ass but really her main goal is to protect the students from unsavory forces. She’s one to always have a sassy comeback or comment and her considerable wit is just one aspect of her charm. PLUS she can transform into a cat!!!

4. Erin Gruwell from «Freedom Writers»: Not only is Erin a great movie teacher but she is also a real person. Freedom Writers is based on the book that the real-life teacher wrote and in it she recounts how she used the events of the Holocaust to get her at-risk students to write. Thanks to her teaching skills the students are able to express their own disappointment, hopes and dreams for the first time. She is resilience in the form of a person.

2. Jennifer Honey from «Matilda»: Our cottage core queen, Miss Honey, was one of those remarkable people who appreciates every single child for who she or he is. Kind and soft-spoken Miss Honey is that teacher that every kid wants to have. She encourages students to find their voices, support one another and use their brains in unorthodox ways.

  1. John Keating «Dead Poets Society»: Of course this wouldn’t be a list of the best film teachers without the iconic role played by the amazing Robin Williams, John Keating is an english teacher that seeks to inspire his students at an elite prep school in Vernon. He uses poetry to get students to not only do better academically but also to think of their lives in a new way. «We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion»

What did you think about the list? Would you add any other teacher? Let me know in the comments. Oh and don’t forget to thank your teachers today!!

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  1.  (2017, junio 28). Top 10 Good Movie Teachers | Se recuperó el mayo 13, 2021 de
  2. (n.d.). 15 Greatest Teachers in Movies | Fandango. Se recuperó el mayo 13, 2021 de

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