3 Tips To Survive School

As a celebration of the Students’ Day, we would like to share the following tips with you:

Tip 1: If the school is looking for students to participate in competitions between schools, always participate. The project you do is most likely to be big and will have different subjects in it, with this project you will be able to exempt all those subjects that are part of the project! Remember that the teachers will look for students with good grades so try not to be lazy and put some effort in school.

Plantel 14 de Cobat logra primer lugar en intercolegial de baile

Tip 2: Everyone says that being friends with the teacher always helps and this is true! You don’t have to try hard to achieve this, in my personal experience try talking about the topics seen in class and try to go «deeper» into the topic. Also take the conversations slowly, as I said don’t try too hard.

Teacher-Student Relationships: A Strategy for Encouraging On-Taskness and  Enabling Differentiation | GoGuardian

Tip 3: Make friends with everyone in school. We are all looking for something and that is to pass the semester. Making friends with all the classmates is very helpful, with their friendships you can ask for help and even homework! Remember that these friendships you make in school are very important, so always try to be nice to everyone.

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