Best lessons from Ned’s Declassified School Survival that you should know!

The three main characters from «Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide» compiled a list of tips to help you deal with the bullies, insane school teachers and gross school lunches that every school has.  Today we’ll present to you some of these ageless tips.

  • Tip #3.054T – It’s all about teamwork: So remember, when it comes to project partnership it’s all about teamwork.

  • Tip #361.1 T-P – Helping the teacher doesn’t make you teacher’s pet: Even though it’s the teacher’s job to help us, it doesn’t make you teacher’s pet if you help them once in a while.

  • Tip #334.3F – When you’re sitting with your friends, you are at the cool table.

  • Tip #513.3 – Sit next to new people: If you wanna make some new friends, try sitting next to some new people. If you’re not making new friends, move. It’s just a matter of time before you make a connection.

  • Tip #308 – If you’re on the wrong end of a rumor, IGNORE IT!

  • Tip #312 – Don’t believe rumors and don’t spread them: Rumors. Sometimes they’re fun but usually they are nothing but trouble. So don’t believe them and don’t spread them.

  • Tip #422 – You can’t ignore math, it is everywhere.

  • Tip#815.4.7C – Running for class office really can make a difference: Even if you don’t become class president, your ideas can still make a difference.

  • Tip #407 – Go with a study group before the test starts. Take a week to be a geek.

  • Tip #112 WEAR DEODORANT!

I hope these simple tips are of use to you, and don’t forget the most important one tip #1 ALWAYS enjoy school: It is an era you’ll never forget and one you’ll always miss!!!

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