Dream Theory: Deja Vu

Dreams are a part of us, in a certain way, they contribute to who we are today. When we are dreaming, our unconscious is, in a way, “liberated” because we are in a certain “state” that has no rules, the only limit is our own imagination. Some believe that only when we are dreaming, we truly express ourselves, there is nothing holding us back and the meaning of these dreams are quite complex.

Dreams can have any sort of meaning but sometimes they shouldn’t be interpreted literally, it is as if they were written in some sort of “code” or as if they were symbols which can reflect something about our personality, like our fears, our aspirations, dreams, insecurities and so much more. Even though most of the time, we are not able to remember our dreams, some believe that they are stored in the unconscious and have an influence on us.

«Deja Vus» are known worldwide and many people experience them, but did you know that they are linked to dreams?

A Deja Vu is defined as “a type of paramnesia of the recognition of some experience that feels as if it had been previously lived”. Judith Orloff M.D. from psychology today has many theories about this particular event, which she published in her book Second Sight, the theories include: “a memory of a dream, a precognition, a coincidental overlapping of events or even a past life experience in which we rekindle ancient alliances.”

We are not always able to remember our dreams but whenever you can, try to analyze them and figure out their meaning because as bizarre as they may get, you can always find something that makes sense and that you can relate to what you’re currently experiencing or living.

So, next time you have a Deja Vu or a really weird dream, think about what they are trying to teach you or tell you…

 (2010, abril 16). The Meaning of Déjà Vu | Psychology Today. Se recuperó el mayo, 26 2021 de https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-freedom/201004/the-meaning-d-j-vu

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