Toxic relationships

Today we will talk about toxic relationships.

Are you in a toxic relationship? Don’t you feel comfortable with your partner? Are you jealous for things of zero importance? Well today we will talk a little about that.

To identify if you are in a toxic relationship, the first thing you have to know is that a toxic relationship is a destructive relationship, that it is not healthy and that one of the two parties or both is causing some damage or discomfort.

Not all toxic relationships are with your partner, you can have a toxic relationship with your friends, family and even with co-workers. 

The difficult thing about toxic relationships is that there is a love and appreciation between people, which is more difficult to break that toxic bond, but in the long term it hurts more. 

A certain type of specific people who are victims of this type of relationships have not been identified but it is known that there are several types of toxic relationships. Some types of relationship are known as; filler relationship, codependency relationship, relationship anchored in the past, relationship in poor communication (passive aggressive), relationship where the lie is present in a habitual way, relationship based on fear, idealized relationship among others.

Have you heard of them? Do you identify with someone regarding their relationship with this article? If it is a no, congratulations you are living a healthy life as a couple / family / work. If the answer is no, here we will give you a couple of tips to get out of the place where you don’t like to be, whether you caused it or not. 

First of all, we understand that getting out of a toxic relationship is not easy, why? Because a toxic relationship is difficult to leave, mainly because of how good it makes you feel, We think that with time the problems will disappear, but the truth is that letting time go will not fix things and we believe that we can change our partner. 

It is important that you strive to achieve it and do not lose the confidence that it is possible. Among the reasons why it is not easy to get out of a relationship are the following.

Here are some tips that we hope can help you. 

  1. Try to get away from the toxic person. Do not miss opportunities you have to get away from the toxic person for a while.
  2. Take advantage of this time to get to know yourself more. Do things for yourself.yourself
  3. Makelose the power that the toxic person has over you.

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