Illustration: «Goodbye… for now!»

Hello! I would like to thank all of you for reading my comics and seeing my art, it means a lot to me. But everything has to come to an end. TP times will keep on, but sadly, Ghost and her friends won’t (or who knows, maybe they decide to haunt the blog). So as the last time that she will be here, I decided to give you an illustration of her in a more detailed style saying goodbye. But remember, even if it is a goodbye, Ghost and her friends will continue living in your memory.

I honestly cannot believe we have been working on this page for a year, it went by so fast it seems like we started a month ago. Did you know that ghost was created as a joke? A dare, technically. They came to live as an Original Character for a halloween comic a few years ago for one of my middle school clases. The teacher dared me to do a comic, print it and paste it around school, and I did. Their name is Ghost because they used to be that, a ghost, but for this I decided to give them a personality and, now that I do more detailed drawings, an appearance. I do not regret it. This character has a piece of heart, right next to my first original character, Toivoa. I hope you enjoyed reading comics as much as I enjoyed drawing them, they were made for you to see and for you to love as much as I do.

If you want to see more of them, please let me know in the comments so I can make it happen. I will try to keep these characters alive in my Instagram art account, so if you want to you can find them in the.mightyghost in instagram or @themightyghost in TikTok. We would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great day, and this time I can’t say see you next week, but I will say, see you later!

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