OUR GOODBYE! Gen 2018-2021

So, this is it…

Here we stand on our last entry of TP Times from this generation, the second generation who had to finish their senior year online …

We just experienced half of our high school without our teachers and friends which is a bummer because , as my mother once said «one of your greatest years of your lives are probably during high school, where you don’t have enough responsibilities and you have the time to party and laugh with your loved ones»

If we as a generation could tell you, our dearest reader, something, it would probably be this , so read these words carefully and start thinking.

Build friendships, spend time on you and find yourself, what you like, and what you don’t.

Enjoy these moments, because once you get older everyone is going to be doing their own thing you don’t want to look back and say , «damn I should’ve done this or, I should’ve gone to that party, to that trip, to that class. So enjoy your life and live the moment, search for the true meaning of your life, your goals and your dreams, don’t overthink, you will make mistakes along your way but you will find solutions.

The past is a memory

Your future is imagination

And the present is a gift

Take this note as one you can reflect on, be the best version of yourself , enjoy, and be grateful.

Sincerely: Founders of TP Times, generation 2018-2021

Author: Nathalia Segovia

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