Are you tired of constantly having to eat at the same places and get the same food? Then I have the perfect solution for you!

Last friday a new promising restaurant called «Casa Rivieras» was opened in Xaman-Ha center Playa del Carmen, the menu goes from your typical mexican things like tacos and guacamole but with a touch of European cuisine from countries like France, Italy and Spain, adding some excellent mixtures and designs to their plates. Check out the menu here!

The food is not only delicious but also pretty to look at, you will not be able to resist taking a picture of it, or well at least I couldn’t!

Tell me your mouth didn’t start watering, I dare you!

To add the cherry on top of the cake the place is beautiful, it is this deep blue color and there is a white tree in the middle, YES a tree!

The restaurant offers food for any time of the day, from chilaquiles and handmade bread to a nice steak, it is open from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm everyday of the week.

I highly recommend you to go and check out the place for yourselves and don’t forget to try out their variety of very original flavor ice creams to end the trip.

And don’t be shy if you go to the restaurant tell me what you think of it in the comments.


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