E3 2021: A RECAP

E3 is a trade event for the video game industry. The Entertainment Software Association organizes and presents E3, which many developers, publishers, hardware and accessory manufacturers use to introduce and advertise upcoming games and game-related merchandise to retailers and to members of the press. E3 includes an exhibition floor for developers, publishers, and manufacturers to showcase titles and products for sale in the upcoming year. Before and during the event, publishers and hardware manufacturers usually hold press conferences to announce new games and products.

The first E3 was inn 1995, and sinnce then every year it’s been the perfect place for companies to show everythinng they’ve been working on and get gamers excited for it. 2020 was the first year since 1995 without an E3 and in 2021 they announced E3 would come back in a digital format due to pandemic regulations. Even tho we miss the huge rooms filled with giant screens and loud speakers that caracterized this event, we are all happy to have it back.

This year we had conferences from June 10th to June 15th. During this days we had the pleasure to watch companies such as Microsoft, Nintendo, Ubisoft, and many more show us all their new games, some highlights are the Summer Game Fest conference that happened on June 10th where they showed us gameplay for DOOM eternal dlc and the best part, an Elden Ring trailer, which our first look at it in almost 2 years. Ubisoft anounced a new Avatar game where you get to explore the world of Pandora in first person, Microsoft had by far the bbest conference in my opinion, where for the first time the joined with Bethesda and showed gameplay of the Halo Infinite multiplayer, all the Bethesda games coming to game pass, and many other new games set to release in the next year. Finally on June 15th Nintendo closed the event bby showing us a new character for Super Smash Ultimate, and a gameplay trailer for the new Legend of Zelda game.

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