You need to always love yourself

The concept of self-love is an exaggerated theory, and its importance is often overlooked. People desire perfection, and perfectionism is considered to be a more important asset or attribute than self-love. When we talk about self-love, it is easy to imagine someone reading a self-help book or hugging a tree; but self-love is much more than that. Many studies have shown that self-esteem is the key to mental health and can prevent depression and anxiety.

The structure of modern society forces us to constantly compete with each other, even with ourselves. We work hard to achieve our short-term goals, and we strive to improve ourselves to meet society’s expectations of us. Many of us feel guilty because we work long hours and sleep less every night. We redouble our efforts and we are satisfied that we have reached perfectionism. We go in and out every week, even on weekends, «relaxing» and «having fun» seem to be a chore.

As a result, we ended up being too harsh on ourselves, without even realizing it. We are more or less conceited and consumed with our work, social interactions, life goals, weekend plans, etc.
In this world that forces us to work, think and act like programmed robots, love is the only thing that keeps us moving and makes us less robotic. We all need love and spend most of our energy on loving others, whether they are friends, spouses, children or family members.

We all like to spread love, but the question is: Have we produced enough love for ourselves?
We cannot always hope to rely on external love to love. This is where the concept of self-love comes into play. A person who practices self-love will never need to rely on others to be happy, and happiness is a feeling of strength. Happy heart.
Self-love is not selfish, just put yourself first, don’t be too harsh on yourself. So next time you hear that little voice in your head telling you that you are not good enough or that you can’t make a mistake, ignore it.
When our loved ones make mistakes, we tend to forgive them easily, but when we make mistakes, we tend to be too harsh on ourselves.

The first step in self-love is to realize that we are only humans and it is okay to make mistakes; sometimes it doesn’t matter if we lose; there is no better day… a week… or a month.


Zubayer Zakir Khan. (2019). The Daily Star. ., de . website:

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