How to prevent global warming?

Global warming is causing big impacts on our planet’s oceans, weather, food, and health. We should start with small actions in our homes to prevent the worst impacts of global warming. Nowadays factories, smoking, cars, airplanes, aerosol sprays, and constructions produce Co2 that causes the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect causes the melting of glaciers, intense rains, sea level to increase, and warmer seas that cause hurricanes. Humans have made all this damage to the planet by liberating these gases for their modern lives to continue. We also know that humans are not the only factor that can cause climate change, some natural factors would be volcanic eruptions and variations in solar radiation from sunspots.

These are two effective ways we can prevent global warming:

Global Warming vs. Climate Change | Resources – Climate Change: Vital Signs  of the Planet

1. Solar energy

This is the best way for any house, company, or factory to produce electricity in a renewable way and stop using non-renewable ways such as carbon, natural gas, or petroleum because it´s unlimited energy and it´s the cleanest. This energy is obtained from the sun or from the heat of the sun. ¿Did you know that the sun gives 4,000 more energy than humanity needs?

10 industrias líderes en el uso de energía solar - Enlight Paneles Solares  México

2. Wind power

This is one of the best ways that factories could use to produce energy in a renewable way. This energy is obtained by the force of the wind and it transforms the kinetic energy into mechanical energy, and this generator transforms it to electricity. A wind turbine should be placed where windy conditions are dominant.

Which countries are getting energy from the wind?

China is the leader in wind farms with 221 GW that is more than 1/3 of world capacity. They have a whole park of wind power that is considered the biggest one on the planet. The United States comes in second place with 96,4 GW in installed capacity. Some of the biggest wind farms are located in California, Oregon, and Texas. Texas produces 1/4 of wind power in the United States. In the third place, we have Germany with 59,3 GW in an installed capacity that is considered the biggest one in all Europe. The biggest marine wind farms are the Gode Windfarms and Nordsee One which produces energy for 400,000 houses. Finally, in fourth place, it comes India with 35 GW in an installed capacity that is considered the second-highest wind power in Asia and it´s the only Asiatic country besides China that appears in this list. This country has third and fourth place in the world´s biggest wind power capacity in the south and north of India.

How are Ocean Wind Farms Made?

How can you help?

  • Support organizations that promote this renewable ways of creating energy.
  • Try to decrease the amount of electricity you consumed in your home.
  • Use your bicycle as ecological transportation


evwind. (2019). Los 10 primeros países del mundo por capacidad de energía eólica. 2021, de EVWIND Website: ttps://

Christina Nunez. (2019). WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING, FACTS…. 2021, de NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Website:

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