Spider-man: No way Home. Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return to camera?

Lately all Marvel fans have their attention in the new movie, «Spiderman : No way Home». Since the recent trailer came out, on November 16, the theories about the multiverse and the reunion of the 3 spider-men have not stopped.

Definitely, the new trailer created a chaos among fans, as a result of this, social networks have been the main tool where memes, fan-art, videos, opinion articles and other elaborate theories have been created. In addition, we cannot deny it, almost all of us have stalked the main actors of the cast, such as Zendeya, Jacob, Tom Holland, with the purpose of being spoiled or discovering some clue.

So far Marvel Studios has not commented anything about it, however fans are hopeful that these theories are true. It would be amazing to see these 3 great actors, Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, fighting against Sandman, Electro and Lizard. Below is the scene where the theories increased.  In this part of the trailer everyone pauses the video and zooms the screen. We all want to know what happened! Why does it appear as if the Lizard is kicked on the face? It should not be a mistake at all, since undoubtedly we all know that Marvel always modifies and changes various details in their trailers.

The film will be released on December 16 in theaters. Children, teenagers and adults are ready to watch it and confirm their theories. Have you already bought your ticket? If not, unfortunately the tickets are already sold out for the opening day. Many fans decided to buy them long in advance, even though many of them were waiting 3 hours outside the plaza. One thing that is true is that Spiderman:  No way Home has high expectations.

What do you think? Would you have waited more than 3 hours to buy the ticket like the other fans? Is the movie really worth it? If you have not seen the trailer, we recommend you click on the video and watch it now. Write us your comments down about the theories and if they have the possibility of being true, or is it that people have just a great imagination?

You can find more information at:

David Miller (2021, December). Every Multiverse Spider-man Who could appear in No way Home. Retrieved December 01, 2021, from https://screenrant.com/spiderman-no-way-home-multiverse-alternate-variants-maguire-garfield/

Adrienne Tyler (2021, November). New MCU Spider-man trilogy Debunks 3 big No way Home Theories. Retrieved December 02, 2021, from https://screenrant.com/spiderman-no-way-home-new-trilogy-theories-debunked/

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