My Opinion on Social Media

For the past decade, people have protested against social media. Some say it separates us from what we want, that it makes us selfish, that you do not appreciate what you are going through. All these accompanied by reviews of the proponents mention things like «I can’t stay for dinner because my iPhone doesn’t have enough battery», » cold Paella because first we want to take a photo ”and some other similar stuff in which not everyone comes to mind and we actually listen to them.

The use of social networks has been absorbed by people from all over the world and today it has become part of the routine. This makes these spaces a place where both brands and companies want to interact with their prospects and customers, offering very positive possibilities.

Now, I’m on the other side. I think that social networks are very useful to us, to get closer to people who are far away for personal or professional reasons, to know a little more about the tastes of our friends or to know if they should go to the emergency pediatrician.

The world is changing and we must adapt. It used to be unthinkable to talk on the phone while walking down the street, to search for information in less than a minute, or to arrive at an airport in just enough time to arrive and board a plane. As I said, the world is changing and you have to adapt, but you must not get caught up. I think there is a time for everything. It is time to be with my wife and children and not look at our smartphones every ten minutes, go to the movies and not upload a photo every half hour or even go to dinner and not show people the loin that you are going to eat.

So let’s take advantage of all of them, closeness, friendship, sharing important experiences or common interests, but without tiring the employees. There is a fine line that if we cross it, we get tired and lose interest in our followers. And that’s not what we want.

There are also social networks which are made for professional and work purposes, these are things with which users intend to create professional relationships, publicize projects and professional achievements, show their programs and skills, and obtain directions, work, etc.

Do you use Social Networks? Which one is your favorite one? Leave a comment here and let us know.


Employees Who Use Social Media for Work Are More Engaged — but Also More Likely to Leave Their Jobs. (2017, May 17). Harvard Business Review.

Types of Social Media and How Each Can Benefit Your Business. (2021, September 02). Hootsuite.

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