OMICRON, Is that a new Transformer? Not quite! 

Even though it sounds like a transformer or a villain from an apocalyptic film. Yes, that was the name chosen by the specialists (the people we should trust) to name this new COVID mutation.  

It is not more dangerous or deadlier, but it has shown to be more contagious than other mutations such as Delta or Gama (again with the apocalyptic names) so that has been the reason to be alarmed.

In Mexico, there has been a case confirmed in a 51 years old patient who recently came from South Africa on November 21st and decided to voluntarily go to the hospital after showing the normal Covid symptoms 6 days after his arrival. He hasn’t known any threatening symptoms and the people in contact with this patient have not shown any symptoms at all.

Yes, the names they chose are a little scary. We should still trust and follow the specialists’ advice. Doctors recommend to keep the safety measurements that have shown to work; wear a face mask, use sanitizer on your hands, avoid touching your face in public…..

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«Qué se sabe (y qué no) de ómicron, por Antoni Trilla – La Vanguardia.» 27 nov. 2021, Se consultó el 3 dic. 2021.

 «What you need to know about the COVID-19 omicron variant – NPR.» 28 nov. 2021, Se consultó el 3 dic. 2021.

MILENIO NOTICIAS [MILENIO NOTICAS]. (2021, 3 diciembre). Variante ómicron de covid llega a México; López-Gatell confirma primer caso en el país [Vídeo]. YouTube.

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