The scar after the Keio line incident

It’s been a month since the incident that occurred in the Keio (京王) Line in Japan, heading to the city center on Halloween, on Sunday night. It left 17 people injured, one with critical conditions. Police arrested a 24-years old man, who identified himself as Kyota Hattori (許田服部). Kyota Hattori (許田服部) attacked civilians with a knife and tried to set the train on fire using scattered lighter fluid.

The reason for these horrible acts was that Kyota Hattori (許田服部) had suicidal thoughts and he wanted to be sentenced to death by killing the most amount of people that he could. His idea of suicide was beyond horrible. Japan has the lowest crime rate, but when they need to make something, they really take it to another level.

Two weeks before this incident another incident occurred. Two men were stabbed by another man at the JR Ueno Station. In August, 10 passengers were attacked and injured in the train of the Odakyu Line running in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo. This type of incident have made the government and railways companies of Japan take serious matters with railway security.

One of the first measurements that railways companies took was to upgrade their safety measures. There was a big gap in the response policy, such as handling emergency doors. In the incident that occurred on the Keio (京王) Line, the emergency door didn’t open at the fullest, and the panicked passenger needed to escape through the windows of the railway. This was because the drivers, with all the commotion, panicked and got confused with what was happening because they didn’t know what was happening.

There was made a survey to railways security companies after the Keio (京王) Line incident, and in short terms, they said that in the last month, the emergency notification device was used more than other, the justification of why they use them was understandable for the companies, but they think that the emergency notification should only be used in a very life-threatening situation and not for drunk people who are annoying others.

In conclusion, they said that the railways are a very difficult place in which they can make upgrades because is a very stretch place in which you can take actions, but they are making their best effort to secure the railways and make more checks to passengers that act or look suspicious.

For more information, check the references and try to be updated by following us for more updates in japan news.”ありがとうございます”

(n.d.). 事件・疑惑 – 産経ニュース. Recover the december, 2021 of

(2021, october 31). Man stabbed, 16 others hurt as attacker starts fire on Tokyo train. Recover the december, 2021 of

(2021, november 30). 京王線事件から1か月 どうすれば防げるか 模索続ける鉄道会社. Recover the december, 2021 of事件

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