Coach Wanted in Chivas!

Since the unfortunate death of Chivas former president, Jorge Vergara. His son Amaury took the place of the president, with the promise of bringing titles to Chivas soon in honor of his father. But under his command, Chivas has had 3 managers and all of them have achieved the same: nothing.

Amaury Vergara is supporting the project of the actual coach: Marcelo Michel Leaño. Which has been a controversial decision because a common thought among the fan of Chivas is that Michel Leaños only knows how to talk and knows nothing about tactics or how to deal with difficult games.


Because of that decision, a lot of fans have been dreaming and, in some cases asking the directive another manager, among all the names, 3 of them are the ones that people ask more:

  • Matias Almeyda
  • Nicolas Larcamon
  • Jaime Lozano


If you have been aware of Chivas’s situation the last few years, there is no need to explain why we want Almeyda back, but for those who don’t know. Matias Almeyda arrive at Chivas in 2015 and under his command, Chivas manage to achieve:

Almeyda left Chivas in 2018 after some arguments with the directive, which led the team to have bad results and gave the directive excuse to fire him.

That is why a lot of fans would love to see Matias Almeyda back, because… if he made Chivas big again once, why not again?


The actual coach of Puebla has been leading Puebla to a bunch of good results since his arrival, with a very «humble» team, Larcamon has given Puebla an attacking identity and managed to take Puebla to «liguilla» and even semi-finals.

With that in mind, a lot of fans have been asking for him because «If he has got pretty good results with Puebla, he could do even better with Chivas».

Personally, this one is my favorite option, not just because of what he has been doing in Puebla, but because he has been doing it In Chile too.


The manager that gave a lot to talk about in the summer, the Coach that won the bronze medal in the Olympics with Mexico.

It has been a popular opinion among Chivas fans because of that medal, but personally, this is my least favorite option, because before his opportunity with Mexico the teams of Jaime Lozano didn’t show something good which makes me think that Mexico won that medal because of the players and not because of the Coach.

Every single one of these options have best tactics and ideas than Michel Leaño, which makes all of us think why Amaury Vergara wants to keep a manager that does not have what it takes for Chivas and is just a very good dreamer.




90 MIN

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