Will Max Vertappen be the next World Champion?

Max Verstappen is a Red Bull driver who joined Formula 1 in 2015 at the age of 17, making him the youngest driver to drive in Formula 1 in its history, during these 7 years Max Verstappen has not managed to get a championship because the car he was driving was not yet at the technological level of the Mercedes opponents and also because he never had a teammate to help him as Checo Perez is doing in 2021. The first time we saw Max Verstappen come close to the championship was in 2019, but because his teammate had more years of experience than him he always gave him a fight in the races and never let him shine and show all the talent he had.

Through the last year Max Verstappen has been competing a long and very close battle against his opponent Lewis Hamilton, who during the last 7 years of Formula 1 has been the undefeated champion, during these 7 years Lewis has faced the most famous drivers in the history of Formula 1 like Nico Rosberg, Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Raikonen who are known all over the world.

The last time we saw such a close battle in points to win the championship was in 2017 when he fought with teammate Valteri Bottas for his fifth championship, but this year it’s even tighter. This year we can finally see the true potential that Max Verstappen has, and he is showing it, every weekend we can see Max Verstappen’s first championship getting closer and closer.

The 2021 championship seemed to be another year in which Lewis Hamilton was going to dominate over all the other drivers, thanks to him taking first place in the first, third, fourth and fifth race, it was here where my spirits were broken as I thought this was going to be the year in which Max Verstappen was going to get his first championship. In the following races we could see how the Red Bull team started to work more fluently and efficiently, Max Verstappen and Checo Perez started to get used to their car and it was here where they turned the championship around, winning the next 5 races. Checo and Max’s teamwork could be seen in every race, always supporting each other, and working together to beat the great Mercedes drivers (Hamilton and Bottas).

After several races and a lot of drama in which Max and Lewis Hamilton exchanged first and second place, the last two races, the decisive ones, finally arrived. Max and Lewis have a difference of 8 points in favor of Max which with only one race can be overcome by Lewis. But there is a big problem for Verstappen, without going into too much detail the last race in Brazil the Mercedes team decided to make an engine change, which makes you start 5 positions behind the one you won in qualifying, this means that Hamilton will have a newer and more efficient engine than Verstappen. Red bull is faced with a very difficult decision for the next two races, which will decide the winner of the 2021 championship, they take a risk and change engine also hoping that Verstappen can make up those 5 places or leave it all in Verstappen’s hands and hope he can beat a Lewis who has shown he has a better car in the last race. As a Max Verstappen fan I hope the Redbull team will change their engine and let Max work his magic and regain those five places so we can have a decisive last race in which I hope Max wins.

I hope you enjoyed this article, go watch the last race of the season in Abu Dhabi to find out who will win the next World Championship.


«How Max Verstappen can win the title at the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix.» 1 dic. 2021, https://www.espn.com/f1/story/_/id/32760582/how-max-verstappen-win-title-saudi-arabia-grand-prix. Se consultó el 8 dic. 2021.

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