Elon Musk: The brightest mind out there. (Predictions for the future)

Elon Musk has been arguably one of the most, if not the most influential character in our generation. He was born in Sudafrica in 1971 and started working in 1991, and he hasn’t stopped since. He is now the richest person on earth, but he is not like other wealthy people. Elon Musk has helped the world in many ways, as he is the founder and CEO of the world-famous companies «Tesla», «Solar-City», «Neuralink» which is the company that is looking to implant chips in peoples brains, «X.com» that changed the name to Pay Pal and «SpaceX», in which he is chief engineer. He is looking to change transportation on both earth and space forever and says that for civilizations to survive, we have to become a multiplanet species, and his first step to achieve this is to colonize Mars. Several of his inventions and accomplishments are Electric cars, a space company certified by NASA which wants to achieve commercial space travel, a chip that connects your brain to technology among others.

Elon Musk: "hay que tener más hijos, si no la civilización se va a  desmoronar"
Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a really intelligent and busy man, and he has made several predictions for the future, a near future.

1.- The first humans will colonize Mars in 8 – 10 years.

Elon Musk said that in 8-10 years, artists, engineers, and creators of any kind will be the first people to set foot and establish themselves on Mars, but to do so, Elon Musk has to work really hard with all his team for much longer.

2.- People are going to have the capacity to connect their brains to computers in the next decade.

«Neuralink», another of Musk’s companies is a new protect Elon has to make people able to connect themselves as extensions from the brain to technology, like a cyborg. Elon has stated that everyone has this ability, it is just remote as we have all of our data in our phones as a remotely cognitive extension of our brains.

3.- SpaceX will shuttle a million colonists to Mars by 2120.

With his company «SpaceX», Elon has achieved unimaginable things, like perfectly landing-accurate reusable rockets to reaching orbit with the first privately funded liquid-propellant rocket. SpaceX wants to achieve commercial space flight, and make the dreams of many people come true… Traveling to another planet». Elon says that by 2120, SpaceX will send 1,000,000 colonists to Mars, a huge step to become a multiplanet race.

Reusable Rocket Landing, SpaceX.





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