Youtubers VS Tiktokers

Youtubers vs Tiktokers is a boxing event that will happen on June 12 in the Hard Rock stadium, Miami Gardens. This fight will consist of 8 «youtubers» and 8″tiktokers». This is one of the most important events that will happen this year. And this is because we can see how regular «youtubers» have created something this big. This all started when Austin McBroom and Bryce … Continúa leyendo Youtubers VS Tiktokers

3 Tips To Survive School

As a celebration of the Students’ Day, we would like to share the following tips with you: Tip 1: If the school is looking for students to participate in competitions between schools, always participate. The project you do is most likely to be big and will have different subjects in it, with this project you will be able to exempt all those subjects that are … Continúa leyendo 3 Tips To Survive School

Top 3 Activities for Children´s Day at Home!

Since the begging of the pandemic, doing activities has been really challenging, movie theatres, malls, restaurants and many other businesses closed and thats why we bring you a Top 3 activities for children´s day at home! 3. Movie Marathon: When we were kids most of us enjoyed satying at home and watching movies with our parents, eating junk food and just relaxing for the hole … Continúa leyendo Top 3 Activities for Children´s Day at Home!

Top 3 places to Visit During Spring Break in México

Riviera Maya – The Riviera Maya is a well known place to visit in México. There are a lot of activities to do in Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, Tulum and more cities. If you go to Cancun you can visit the beautiful beaches and it´s 40 min away from Playa Del Carmen where you can visit Xplor, Xcaret, Xenses and many others things to do! … Continúa leyendo Top 3 places to Visit During Spring Break in México

Se Superan las 187,000 Muertes en México por COVID-19

Hace aproximadamente un mes reportamos que el COVID-19 era la segunda causa de muertes en México con poco más de 100,000 muertos, hoy en día se estiman al rededor de 187,000 muertos por el virus. Cabe aclarar que el gobierno Mexicano estimaba que el número de decesos por COVID-19 fuera de 60,000 muertos, y hoy en día se ha triplicado. Esto quiere decir que definitivamente … Continúa leyendo Se Superan las 187,000 Muertes en México por COVID-19

Vacunas contra el COVID-19 en México 

Hace unos días se anunció que el Plan de Vacunación presentado por el gobierno iba a empezar. Como lo dice el Plan, los adultos mayores a 60 años serían los primeros en vacunarse, debido a que son la población con más riesgo a muerte. Para ello, decidieron crear una página web donde la gente se podría registrar para recibir la vacuna.  Sin embargo, la página … Continúa leyendo Vacunas contra el COVID-19 en México 

Covid-19 Becomes the Second Cause of death in México in 2020

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the virus has killed thousands of people, and the cases keep growing. A few months ago, México was pronounced as the second worst country to live in during the pandemic. We can attribute most of the responsibility of this to the mexican government. Unfortunatly. yesterday INEGI (or National Institute of Statistic and Geography), announced that in 2020, COVID-19 became … Continúa leyendo Covid-19 Becomes the Second Cause of death in México in 2020

Second Trump’s Impeachment

On January 6, thousands of people stroke the capitol hoping that Trump would stay as their president even though Joe Biden had already won the elections. Now you may be wondering, why is this Donald Trump’s fault? Time before this happened, Trump gave a speech at a rally that incited people to strike the Capitol. And this is why the House of Representatives voted 232- … Continúa leyendo Second Trump’s Impeachment

Is Marijuana legal in México?

For those who don’t know, the Mexican Senate approved the recreational, and medical use of marijuna in México. With 72 votes in favor, 13 against and 2 abstentions the motion was determined to pass, and it did. But we can’t buy weed yet, why? This is only the first step to make marijuana legal in México, we still need to hear what the Chamber of … Continúa leyendo Is Marijuana legal in México?

Cienfuegos back in México

A few weeks ago we talked about the ex-general Salvado Cienfuegos, aka. The Godfather. He was arrested in the United States and sent to jail with different charges, one of those being drug trafficking. The Mexican government said that they were never told that there was an investigation against Cienfuegos and that they were not pleased with the way the US government acted, this is … Continúa leyendo Cienfuegos back in México

Generals and Drug Trafficking

On October 15, the DEA finally found this mysterious figure who was nicknamed «The Godfather». Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, a former secretary of national defense during the last six-year term of Enrique Peña Nieto. Cienfuegos is known for using his power to grow his own cartel and fight other cartels with the Mexican army. There is also talk of the possible alliance between Cienfuegos and Peña … Continúa leyendo Generals and Drug Trafficking