You need to always love yourself

The concept of self-love is an exaggerated theory, and its importance is often overlooked. People desire perfection, and perfectionism is considered to be a more important asset or attribute than self-love. When we talk about self-love, it is easy to imagine someone reading a self-help book or hugging a tree; but self-love is much more than that. Many studies have shown that self-esteem is the … Continúa leyendo You need to always love yourself

Resilience in your life

There are times where situations get really difficult and humans don’t know how to have the control of it. And resilience is what makes it’s easier to deal with those moments, it’s the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.Resiliant people try to have a control in the actions they take , resilience can improve a persons hability to manage problems and issues that they might … Continúa leyendo Resilience in your life

Why do we dream and how it works?

Dreams to me are experiences that our mind creates while we sleep. Dreams can be happy, sad or scary. And they can also be confusing and strange or completely normal.the funny thing about dreams is that they have images that maybe sometime in your life you saw and they are like compilations of known images and they can also be images that you unconsciously saw … Continúa leyendo Why do we dream and how it works?

What is coronavirus immunity and how does it work?

Coronavirus is an infection that causes a global pandemic, so acquiring resistance is the only way. Scientists all over the world are developing vaccines against COVID-19 and hope that the successful vaccination of coronavirus vaccines can prevent the spread of this disease. The latest news from Hong Kong questioned the efficacy of vaccines in development and whether they can prevent reinfection. It is important to … Continúa leyendo What is coronavirus immunity and how does it work?

(US) Illegal immigration and What happens if they sucessfully make it through?

Immigration reform can be made to promote or expand immigration into a country and is necessary to protect fundamental human rights, including rights that have been crucial throughout life and history. Unauthorized immigrants and even lawful permanent residents are frequently detained and deported without regard to their right to family unity – the right to remain with their relatives, including spouses, children, and parents who … Continúa leyendo (US) Illegal immigration and What happens if they sucessfully make it through?

«How to avoid reaching the extreme of being overweight and suffering from obesity?»

As we all know, health is always essential for us human beings because without it, we are not able to have a stable and progressive development in our lives, since it seriously harms us, affecting our body, which would cause us to try our daily actions will hurt us or get sick even worse. Therefore, it is recommended that we protect our health by taking … Continúa leyendo «How to avoid reaching the extreme of being overweight and suffering from obesity?»

Tal vez tu ansiedad por el coronavirus esta fuera control…

El corona virus ha causado descontrol de varias maneras. He aquí algunas señales. Tu ansiedad puede estar fuera de control si notas que… Tus temores son desproporcionados con respecto al peligro real (por ejemplo, eres joven y no tienes problemas de salud subyacentes, pero llevas mascarilla y guantes al parque para hacer tu ejercicio diario, donde es fácil la distancia social) El miedo y la … Continúa leyendo Tal vez tu ansiedad por el coronavirus esta fuera control…

Vaccines are now in Mexico!

The vaccines have arrived and the vaccination plan is underway. More than 40,000 people have been immunized in Mexico since the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. According to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, one million 420 thousand vaccines will be acquired by the end of January, with which vaccination of all front-line health personnel is expected to be completed. Subsequently, the antidote will be … Continúa leyendo Vaccines are now in Mexico!

Remember last News?

Yesterday Mexico announced its plan of vaccination, these are great news since after more than 6 months we will finally begin to be in the normality, now everything will begin to be like before and everything thanks to the vaccine Pfizer. Mexico vaccination plan The Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine is about to arrive in Mexico and for this reason the Secretary of Health prepared and presented … Continúa leyendo Remember last News?

While you were satying at home the Coronavirus vaccine was created

The coronavirus has affected us a lot during this time, a year and twenty-six days have passed since the first case of coronavirus in all this time the virus continues to spread and the number of infected has not stopped growing some countries managed to get rid of this virus but countries with a bad government have not been able to deal with this virus, … Continúa leyendo While you were satying at home the Coronavirus vaccine was created