All You Need to Know About the Euro 2020

After COVID-19 disrupted the world’s plans, Euro 2020 will begin its journey on June 11. Italy and Turkey will raise the curtains of this prestigious competition at the Olympic Stadium in Rome. Large teams will fight for a place in the grand final to be played on July 11 at the legendary Wembley Stadium, in the city of London. Every time a tournament begins, there … Continúa leyendo All You Need to Know About the Euro 2020

Is Kun Agüero the best striker in Premier League History?

With the departure of an icon for Manchester City such as striker Sergio Agüero, we can wonder if the acclaimed Argentine enters the conversation alongside the best strikers in the history of the Premier League. Eleven years full of titles and joys that can be crowned with the first Champions League in the club’s history this Saturday. Talking about strikers in the Premier League is … Continúa leyendo Is Kun Agüero the best striker in Premier League History?

What’s up with soccer TEACHERS in Mexico?

In a country where soccer is the most famous sport and above all the most played, why don’t we have the level of world powers? In this note we will analyze why this happens and everything that must be changed in training football in our country. First of all, we have to make it clear that it is not a question of talent, since we … Continúa leyendo What’s up with soccer TEACHERS in Mexico?

Escupir en el Tiempo: Matrix

Esta semana tenemos en esta sección el análisis de una película, que a mi en lo particular, me gusta mucho, aunque no creo que sea de lo mejor del cine. Muy “hollywoodesca” pero con mucho trasfondo. Esto no quiere decir que sea una película bien hecha, pero denota nostalgia. Cabe recalcar que haremos el análisis de la primera película de Matrix, que es la más … Continúa leyendo Escupir en el Tiempo: Matrix

Escupir en el Tiempo: Forrest Gump

En esta nueva sección titulada Escupir en el tiempo, estaremos repasando películas antiguas que pasaron a la historia y que creo que merece la pena verlas una vez más, al igual que analizaremos un poco cómo han envejecido y las partes buenas y malas, en mi opinión. Empezando por Forrest Gump, después de verla una vez más ayer, podemos analizar muchas cosas. Primero que nada … Continúa leyendo Escupir en el Tiempo: Forrest Gump

My Three Extra Plus 23 Players for the Mexican Football Olympic Team

Just last month the Mexican under 23 team sealed its pass to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games (which will be played in 2021 due to Covid issues) with a good team led by Charly Rodriguez (Rayados) and Sebastian Cordova (America). Before we go into details, as many of you know, only players under the age of 23 can go to the Olympic games with the … Continúa leyendo My Three Extra Plus 23 Players for the Mexican Football Olympic Team

Trying to understand the pay gap in sports

This is a note that could be eternal, but I will try to summarize my position on the supposed «unjustified difference in wages between men and women in sport. As some of you may know, this topic has become very viral lately since an athlete (basketball player) recorded a video demanding equal conditions between men and women in sport. Before getting into the subject, we … Continúa leyendo Trying to understand the pay gap in sports

It is the Champions League what everyone desires!

This week the first matches of the round of 16 of the UEFA Champions League ended and it has given us an idea of what lies ahead, authentic games, disappointments and countless surprises as we already know we always have in this tournament. In this note we will review and analyze the best and worst that occurred during these two very hearty weeks. We will … Continúa leyendo It is the Champions League what everyone desires!

Incremento de la pobreza gracias al COVID en México

Por Leonardo Ponce y Ximena Zavala Está claro que el COVID 19 ha tenido muchas afectaciones en nuestro país, las relacionadas con la salud tal vez son las más evidentes, pero el mal manejo del tema económico en nuestro país ha ocasionado que muchas personas hayan quedado en pobreza extrema en muchas ocasiones. En esta nota repasamos lo que fue el declive del manejo económico … Continúa leyendo Incremento de la pobreza gracias al COVID en México

The Toxic Relationship Between Neymar and Football

The Brazilian star has given a lot to football, and he has returned many pleasant moments. But it seems that in the most important moments of his career, the player has been diminished by countless injuries, in this note we will review the reason (if there is any) and the different criticisms that there are in this regard. Last Tuesday, we observed how Neymar left … Continúa leyendo The Toxic Relationship Between Neymar and Football

¿Existe la brecha salarial en fútbol?

Últimamente la discusión sobre la brecha salarial es un tema alrededor del mundo, algo que creo que existe y que no podemos dejar pasar en muchas profesiones, obviamente el deporte no se quedó atrás. Aunque creo que no se puede generalizar y el deporte se tiene que visualizar de otra manera. Es más que reconocible que los hombres deportistas y, en especial los futbolistas, ganan … Continúa leyendo ¿Existe la brecha salarial en fútbol?

Is it correct to continue with soccer in Mexico?

This week Mexican soccer was affected by numerous cases of Covid 19, especially in the Rayados de Monterrey team that presented 18 positive cases and had to postpone its next two games due to not having enough players registered in the league to be able to play. In addition to this, América (Rayados’ rival in their last game) presented three positive cases after facing those … Continúa leyendo Is it correct to continue with soccer in Mexico?

Best Moments of 2020 in Soccer

2020 was a year to remember in many areas of life, many people will remember it as a year to forget, and although there were many bad things, at least in sports, specifically in soccer, incredible things happened and others not so much . Starting the year we will review what was the best and worst for mein this beautiful sport during the last year. … Continúa leyendo Best Moments of 2020 in Soccer

A tribute to Diego Armando Maradona, what made him different?

Throughout history we have seen incredible footballers and we all have one that marked us as children to begin to adore this wonderful sport so much, I was not lucky enough to see Diego Armando Maradona play live but my father did. My dad is one of the reasons why I have such a passion for football and sports in general, and he has always … Continúa leyendo A tribute to Diego Armando Maradona, what made him different?

Who has a more serious project for the next world cup? The American or Mexican national team?

The two teams are dubbed the «giants» of concacaf, with a generational shift ahead, which team sees the future brighter? With the United States out of the last World Cup, the Stars and Stripes team hit rock bottom and had to start from scratch, which Mexico has not yet been able to do. As the wise men say, the future lies with the young and … Continúa leyendo Who has a more serious project for the next world cup? The American or Mexican national team?

Is Lebron James comparable with Michael Jordan?

The generations of basketball fans who were lucky enough to see what I think is the best player who has seen the sport in its history, are getting older. As a result of this, new generations arise that grew up with the one who in my opinion is still one step below, Lebron James. These new generations say with great confidence that Lebron is a … Continúa leyendo Is Lebron James comparable with Michael Jordan?