BEING with a Woman

Hi people, today I want to pay tribute to our mothers, I have written a little poem about gender roles in our society, mothers throughout history are the best example of female empowerment and evolution to continue fighting for security, equality, equity oportunities and most importantly: respect. I hope you like it. BEING with a woman By; luanalq  Rivers go down the hill  flower petals … Continúa leyendo BEING with a Woman

The man who taugth four generations of children how to be human

It was in 1968 that the history of American television would not be the same. On February 19, the first episode of 905, divided into 31 seasons with PBS would be aired. The host, Mr. Rogers, who defied educators, authorities, stigmas and criticism from many sides, opened his arms and sat next to thousands of children for 33 years. Continúa leyendo The man who taugth four generations of children how to be human

Did you know…❓

Hello readers, here are some interesting and random facts about animals, to share with your friends. Have fun!!! ⚫⚫⚫ 1. Like a balloon! The chuckwalla is a reptile from Northamérica, when it feels threatened, it hides in the crevice between rocks and inflates itself with air, so that its predator cannot remove it. 2. Robin Hood under water… This is the Archer Fish, this little … Continúa leyendo Did you know…❓

🏎New looks are ready for F1 upcoming season

Hello nice people: So this week I’m going to talk about the new releases in formula one teams, first of all, if you are someone who doesn´t know the motorsport industry, or specifically is not familiar with how formula one works I recommend Drive to Survive, on Netflix, a series that narrates the 2018 and 2019 season in a few chapters, and in exactly one … Continúa leyendo 🏎New looks are ready for F1 upcoming season

Paraíso para algunos, destino letal para muchos/ Muerte Apátrida.

¿Qué ves, cuando pensamos en el Mar Mediterráneo?, vemos el paraíso con los barcos, las casas blancas en Grecia, las montañas, océanos, cuevas en Malta, para algunos hasta yates y picnics en islas desiertas y muy bellas fotos en Instagram. Cuando hay crisis, cuando hay algo por que pelear, como las mujeres, la libertad y la salud, los medios se mueven rápido, cuando hay noticias … Continúa leyendo Paraíso para algunos, destino letal para muchos/ Muerte Apátrida.

Revolution is everywhere and everyday

We all have so much to say and think, so many concerns, facts and opinions. My writing options right now are infinite, and thus the decisions to make. Working with my fellow writers in this magazine has been a great experience, we’ve all found a voice that a lot of us did not know we had. Week by week we have been working on great … Continúa leyendo Revolution is everywhere and everyday